27 and 28), 16 years after Kurumada introduced him in the manga.

His full appearance in the anime adaptation occurred in 2008, in the final episodes that adapt the last two volumes of the manga, in which his participation is contained (vols. Before his formal introduction in the anime adaptation, he was featured in the opening of the Inferno stage of the Hades arc episodes (episode 128 and on), standing next to his brother Thanatos, and overshadowed by Hades. Hypnos' divine power allows him to induce all kinds of living beings into deep slumber, and whether his victim reawakens or sleeps for eternity depends on his whim. In the same way as his brother Thanatos, Hypnos offered fierce opposition to the Saints of Athena, when they tried to rescue their goddess from certain death and stop Hades's Greatest Eclipse, which was meant to eradicate mankind. Hypnos dwelling place is the Elision, and he spends most of his time there accompanied by scores of Nymphs, and his twin brother Thanatos, waiting to fulfil their lord Hades's bidding.

As Hypnos was often depicted surrounded by wings or feathers in Greek sculpture and art, Kurumada also included this motif in his design for his rendition of Hypnos, reflecting it mostly in his Surplice. Kurumada designed Hypnos likeness based in classical representations of the deity in Greek sculpture and art: a beautiful young man with a wing sprouting from the left side of his head, similarly as Thanatos was represented, one of the differences between both was Thanatos's wing, that sprouted from the opposite side. A strange looking star, identical to a Hexagram, is placed in his forehead. Afterward, both deities bestowed on Pandora the power to rule and command Hades' personal army, the fierce 108 Demon Stars, also known as Spectres.Īs described by the Pegasus Saint Pegasus Seiya when they first encountered, he is identical to his brother Thanatos, the only differences being Hypnos' golden eyes and hair, as opposed to Thanatos' silver. Hypnos spent 243 years sealed in a box marked with the Seal of Athena, and only regained his freedom after the box was opened by a curiosity-driven 3-year-old Pandora, to whom both Thanatos and Hypnos announced that the resurrection of Hades was near, and that she would serve them henceforth. He is highly respectful of the authority of his lord, Hades. He is more cautious and thoughtful of strategy and consequence, never letting impudence or recklessness take over him. Unlike his brother Thanatos, who is prone to lose his temper and act without any regard for consequences when influenced by rage, Kurumada's Hypnos remains calm and in control of himself even in the most critical situations. 27, and his portrayal is similar to that of his Greek Mythology counterpart: Calm, calculating, and serene. The arc of his manga, specifically in vol. Kurumada introduced Hypnos in the final parts of the Hades. In Kurumada's mythos, although he is a subordinate of Hades, the Emperor of the Darkness and ruler of the Underworld, he is a deity with all attributes, and as his lord, he is a sworn enemy of the protector goddess of the Earth, Athena. He was created by Kurumada based on the mythologic persona of the same name.Īs in Greek mythology, he is the personification of sleep and slumber, and the twin brother of Thanatos, the Greek god who personifies death and mortality. The Greek God Hypnos is one of the antagonist deities featured in the universe of the Manga Saint Seiya, authored by Masami Kurumada, and later adapted to Anime. Shinji Kawada (Thanatos in The Lost Canvas) Toshio Furukawa (Thanatos in Hades Saga), Tomohiro Tsuboi (Hypnos in The Lost Canvas) Phantasos (Hypnos' son, Thanatos' nephew), Phobetor (Hypnos' son, Thanatos' nephew), Ichor (Ethereal golden blood of Gods and/or immortals) 死を司る神 タナトス, (Shi wo Tsukasadoru Kami Tanatosu, lit. 眠りを司る神 ヒュプノス, (Nemuri wo Tsukasadoru Kami Hyupunosu, lit. Leader Alone (Hypnos) & Leader Andreas(Thanatos)